React Right First Aid Course

The React Right course combines First Aid, CPR, Automated Defibrillator, and Emergency Oxygen provider all into 1 course. This is a 2-year certification and is needed for the Diver Stress and Rescue Course and professional-level courses

Event Event Date Location Available Place Register
React Right First Aid & O2 Course 08-10-2024 9:00 am Sea Level Diving 6
React Right First Aid & O2 Course 09-14-2024 9:00 am Sea Level Diving 6
React Right First Aid & O2 Course 10-12-2024 9:00 am Sea Level Diving 6
React Right First Aid & O2 Course 11-09-2024 9:00 am Sea Level Diving 6
React Right First Aid & O2 Course 12-14-2024 9:00 am Sea Level Diving 6