Access the Digital Training Materials
To access the digital training materials, you must create an account with Scuba School International (SSI).
- Using a web browser: click on this link to get started.
- Enter the required information and follow the prompts.
- Your login credentials will be sent to you via email from SSI.
- Log in and access the materials under the "Training" tab, then the "Courses" heading.
- Read "Scuba Diver"; it's the first three chapters of the Open Water course.
You can access the training materials in the MYSSI app as well.

You can access the first three chapters of the Open Water Diver training materials free and without committing to the course. Click on the Training tab then the Courses heading. Put your mouse over Scuba Diver and click on the Start Program Now bar. Scuba Diver is the first three chapters of the Open Water Diver course. Read through the materials to get a feel for what you will be doing during the Open Water course.
When you register and pay for the Open Water course at Sea Level Diving, the Scuba Diver training materials will be replaced with the Open Water Diver training materials (any quizzes you did will transfer over) and you will have access to all 6 chapters of the Open Water Diver training materials.